Monday, January 23, 2012


are all these dependencies we really need to be so dependent on things that they begin to complete us.... why cant we complete ourselves..... why do we need something to be happy..... why get so dependent on things that can vanish....what is more reliable than your own self.... why all these acccessories make us look good...are we so dependent on what others see ... has God not made us perfect as we are...... or are we really so arrogant that we think we can really change how he moulded us???
sometimes being termed as a loner is better than be dependent on whole lot of people....


  1. its loneliness which is making you say this... ultimate goal in life is happiness so it doesn't matter that you feel happy being alone or with group of people.. to put on accessories or not to put them (even accessories is in a way God's creation,as He is sole energy which gave us idea to create materialistic things or to look better).. its all about being in state of happiness.. its not about being dependent... in fact if you are taking the word "dependency" as negative.. then it shows a hint of sadness or ego in you.. that you wish to be happy alone but you are not..!! so why to force yourself.. JUST BE.. just be happy this way or other way.. ultimate aim is happiness.. there's nothing right or wrong.. :) :) you can make your own definitions...

  2. the thought was about acceptance....why are so dependent on others to accept us....we go lenghts to achieve this accceptance...modify ourselves for it.....that is what i am worried change in order to be accepted....may be it reflects my ego...but i would prefer being alone over losing myself and being with others.

  3. absolutely.. if you mean what you expressed in last comment then i totally stand by you.. because even i believe that the people who will be your friends in true sense would accept as we are... i have really never tried to mould myself to be accepted..may be that's why i miss so called friends around (ppl to pass time with).. because i have always been myself.. n m proud of it.. :) :) its best to be yourself then to be someone you are not.. that's why its said that to be loved we first need to love ourself.. sorry for the use of so much "i" in the expression..) :) :)
