Monday, February 20, 2012


sometimes i think about what do  i do most of the times....more specifically......why i do things that i correctly pointed out by my friend...."why" is always harder to answer than "what" or "how".....
so lets delve into the question......why do we do what we do....

is it.....
to achieve a goal???.to meet some requirements???
sleep so that we can have a refreshing day ahead...and again toil the next day with utter honesty so that we can have a peaceful sleep in night.....
doesnt make sense ..does it???

or is it ....
just to fit in the definiton...not ot look odd in the circumstances...... like not talking to a girl the same way as a boy...changing tones and language ...afraid of what everyone might think.....afraid of what she might think.....of what that might make you unfit as a friend for it is odd.....doesnt fit in the definitions, the rules....
again no sense in this....

or is it .....
to make ouselves happy with friends all day ...... work hard for that sense of achievement..... go home and not inform parents beforehand , just to see mum's eyes twinkled and papa gasping for words as to find what to say for sometime.... to indulge a close friend in all her demands.... sending surprise gifts....

this does make sense....but is this reason things to make yourself happy?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Sometimes i think about my mood......and try to figure out....what is the correct description.......and the more i think.....the more awful it gets....its like there is nothing wrong.....and yet everything is wrong.... like there is nothing to hold things it’s going to crumble ..... it just isn’t misses something which i am not able to figure out..... something that would make me happy....something that will complete me ..... i just feel lost..... with no companions wins to cherish.... with nothing to proud of ....everything ordinary....everything routine..... nothing remotely different....just ordinary...average.....not worthy of the has just been a start and i find myself already tired in this journey.....have already lost to myself...with no goals defined.....nothing to look forward to.....just blank.... need a change......need a goal...need something to fight for.....fight from myself...and the self i have grown into.....