Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Sometimes i think about my mood......and try to figure out....what is the correct description.......and the more i think.....the more awful it gets....its like there is nothing wrong.....and yet everything is wrong.... like there is nothing to hold things it’s going to crumble ..... it just isn’t misses something which i am not able to figure out..... something that would make me happy....something that will complete me ..... i just feel lost..... with no companions wins to cherish.... with nothing to proud of ....everything ordinary....everything routine..... nothing remotely different....just ordinary...average.....not worthy of the has just been a start and i find myself already tired in this journey.....have already lost to myself...with no goals defined.....nothing to look forward to.....just blank.... need a change......need a goal...need something to fight for.....fight from myself...and the self i have grown into.....


  1. yup... this is what i meant when we chatted the last time... we have grown all these years with a goal in mind ..ran after it all these years!!! n now when its done,the question is WHAT NEXT ????!!! i am going through same situation... we have got so used to that chasing of goal that we feel incomplete now without it plus we are tired to again do all that hard work which made us reach here.. so may be its a phase which we have to go through.. may be its time to relax and wait till we realize what next is we wanna chase.. :) :) !!!!

  2. what i see in the current situation is a calm before a huge storm...better be prepared for the storm rather than enjoy the moment of calm....

  3. :P :P don't scare me..! your last comment does mean a lot.. because everything seems so uncertain right now.. :(

  4. yes you still have time.....fresh out of college..our time has come:)
